The continued education of coaches, parents and club administrators plays a significant role in the further development of our players. It is essential that we place our players into the best environment possible, allowing our players to develop and acquire the necessary skills through a carefully designed seasonal plan that is relative to their individual growth.
Apex Soccer is dedicated to player development and coaching education. If your Club is interested in utilizing Apex Soccer in a club consultancy role. Shaun Bailey is the former Director of Coaching for Connecticut Junior Soccer Association and is the current Head Assistant Coach for Western Connecticut State University Women’s Soccer, and the current Assistant Coach for The AC Connecticut PDL team.
Please contact Shaun Bailey at
Club Consultancy
The term ‘player development’ is used frequently and should be at the forefront of every club and individual coaching philosophy. When using this term, it is essential that the club and its members, from coaches to parents, understand the importance of the environment that they create and how this relates to ‘player development’.
Apex Soccer is a soccer training and developmental company that inspires individuals and teams to reach their ultimate soccer performance goals. With a scientific, educational and prioritized approach, Apex Soccer enhances the technical, tactical, physical and psychosocial components of soccer for any individual or team in a seasonal plan.
Coaching Clinics
In order to continue in the progression of the club’s growth, Apex Soccer will provide coaching clinics to educate the club coaches within their Recreational, Travel/Premier programs throughout the year.
Coach Evaluation and Support
Apex Soccer will support and evaluate field sessions throughout the year. The club and coach will receive written and verbal feedback regarding the session. To aid and support the program, Apex Soccer will provide a curriculum structure for the rec, travel and premier coaches. The curriculum will be in place to allow the coaches the freedom to design and implement their own sessions with the topics set out by Apex Soccer.
Parent Education
Apex Soccer feels it is important to educate the parents about the clubs direction, philosophy and methodology. Apex Soccer will also address the importance of rest, overuse injuries, small sided games, practice to game ratios and the fitness component of Soccer. Apex Soccer will provide a parent education clinic prior to the start of the spring, winter and fall seasons.
Additional Club Support
Apex Soccer is also available to conduct player evaluations within a tryout environment. The club will also receive updates on all Apex Soccer promotions and programs, including video analysis, baseline testing and information podcasts and emails.
*Administrative roles and responsibilities included in pricing
Package 1 |
Package 2 |
Coaching Clinics |
8 x 1.5hr Clinics |
8 x 1.5hr Clinics |
Coach Evaluation & Support |
60 hours |
140 hours |
Parent Education Class |
3 x 1.5hr Class |
3 x 1.5hr Class |
Try-out Package |
*Additional Fee |
*Additional Fee |